December 2015 Vol #7 - Witch Way Magazine - DIGITAL
Explore witchcraft, spells, magic, and all things mystical in each edition of Witch Way Magazine.
Witch Way's digital magazine promotes a variety of spiritual directions offering something for everyone whether Wiccan/Wicca, Eclectic, Druid/Druidism, Shamanism, or another free-thinking religion.
This published e-magazine provides a spotlight on pagan paths delivering content related to magic spells, divination, herbs, oils, recipes, and more! Each magazine covers modern and historical issues in Paganism, spirituality, metaphysical, theology and magical philosophy.
Witch Way Magazine is written in hopes to empower and inform readers like you to seek inspiration as you walk your unique, spiritual journey.
Sacred Space Showcase – Daina shows us how to set up an Outdoor Altar
Divine Divination – Kitchen Divination - Use wine, eggs, oil, and more to craft a little magic.
Shining Story Showcase - Kelsey shares with us a children's story about Yule called "The Yule Garden" an included download.
Sabbats and Esbatts – The Yule Sabbat
Pagan Book Club (NonFiction) – Flame in the Cauldron by Orion Foxwood
Pagan Book Club (Fiction) – Goddess Trilogy Series by Sheila Lamb
Bewitched Movie Night – The Sisterhood of the Night - A modern retelling of the Salem Witch Trials
My Witchy Home – Yule DIY Decor
Herb of the Month – Hibiscus
Crystal of the Month – Specular Hematite
Spelling Techniques – The Magic in the Mundane
Spell of the Month - Finding your spirit animal
Paganism in History – How Yule turned to Christmas
Calming Corner – The importance of Visualization
My Pagan Path – The Solitary Seed
Small Shop Support – The Boiling Cauldron
Interview of the Month – Sheila Lamb author of Goddess Trilogy
A look ahead by Magdalena Tarot for December and the year of 2016
How to do your own end of year spread and how to read the cards!
Ask the Witches - New advice column feature
*In 2016 the 2015 issues were cut into single page format for easy reading, please understand this may cause some pages that are divided.
Explore witchcraft, spells, magic, and all things mystical in each edition of Witch Way Magazine.
Witch Way's digital magazine promotes a variety of spiritual directions offering something for everyone whether Wiccan/Wicca, Eclectic, Druid/Druidism, Shamanism, or another free-thinking religion.
This published e-magazine provides a spotlight on pagan paths delivering content related to magic spells, divination, herbs, oils, recipes, and more! Each magazine covers modern and historical issues in Paganism, spirituality, metaphysical, theology and magical philosophy.
Witch Way Magazine is written in hopes to empower and inform readers like you to seek inspiration as you walk your unique, spiritual journey.
Sacred Space Showcase – Daina shows us how to set up an Outdoor Altar
Divine Divination – Kitchen Divination - Use wine, eggs, oil, and more to craft a little magic.
Shining Story Showcase - Kelsey shares with us a children's story about Yule called "The Yule Garden" an included download.
Sabbats and Esbatts – The Yule Sabbat
Pagan Book Club (NonFiction) – Flame in the Cauldron by Orion Foxwood
Pagan Book Club (Fiction) – Goddess Trilogy Series by Sheila Lamb
Bewitched Movie Night – The Sisterhood of the Night - A modern retelling of the Salem Witch Trials
My Witchy Home – Yule DIY Decor
Herb of the Month – Hibiscus
Crystal of the Month – Specular Hematite
Spelling Techniques – The Magic in the Mundane
Spell of the Month - Finding your spirit animal
Paganism in History – How Yule turned to Christmas
Calming Corner – The importance of Visualization
My Pagan Path – The Solitary Seed
Small Shop Support – The Boiling Cauldron
Interview of the Month – Sheila Lamb author of Goddess Trilogy
A look ahead by Magdalena Tarot for December and the year of 2016
How to do your own end of year spread and how to read the cards!
Ask the Witches - New advice column feature
*In 2016 the 2015 issues were cut into single page format for easy reading, please understand this may cause some pages that are divided.